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Benefits of Front Ending Selection Criteria

Benefits of Front-ending your Selection Criteria Leadership Stories

Writing Your Selection Criteria? - What are the Benefits to Front-ending your Leadership Stories

Last week I shared a blog and video about Front-ending your leadership stories for responding to selection criteria. This week, I'll go in to why front-ending is so amazing.

Data, Data, Data

We are living in a time when our leadership teams expect to know if something is working by looking at data. I fully acknowledge that collecting data just for the sake of it, and no one actually using it, is a huge systemic problem causing an overload of work for teachers.


For what we're talking about here, the purpose is to show that what is being implemented is working for the intended outcomes. Those outcomes always need to lead back to students and staff.


By front-ending your leadership stories you will:

  1. You know the outcomes you want before you start, you can then backwards map the action plan to get those results.
  2. You can create short term data cycles. These can include conducting surveys,  collecting evidence both written and verbal and formative assessments.
  3. You won't need to scramble at the end to find some piece of data that shows what you did had an impact.

You are in solution mode, not problem mode.


By knowing where you want to end up, you can handle problems a bit more strategically rather than being reactive. You can stand in a position of knowing the effect a change in plans would have for your project and work to compromise with those around you.


It's great practice for when you're in a leadership role as well. The best paid plans can go off script but if you're future pacing the outcomes you want, you can see how to get around the interruption or can renegotiate your needs.


When things go wrong, your selection criteria benefits!

This is juicy stuff! Things not going to plan can mean you get to add how your handled conflict or disruption to your initial plans. You can show , as a reflective leader, how you were able to navigate an issue that arose or how you pivoted for the good of the project.


I know at the time it may not feel that great but a leader is always learning and adapting and what better way to show you doing that with a hic cup to your perfectly future-paced written leadership story.


You can demonstrate that you listen to staff. Because it isn't the 'Michelle' story. This is the story of your leadership. You are a leader of teachers. They are human. What you perceive as amazing may need some tweaking. Get that feedback and respond to it. Remember, you were/are a teacher and wouldn't you want your leadership to be listening to you and valuing your contribution as a professional?


It will show you where your limiting beliefs are as a leader


Leadership is a big personal development journey. It is about putting yourself out there and being the person responsible for a team. It's the 'You' show. That can be really confronting for people. The four walls that previously held your awesomeness, along with the group of students, are now removed and replaced with adults. That can bring up a lot of stuff for people.


So go and take action on your 'ideal' leadership story and see where you have resistance in taking action. It can show up as:

  1. Putting off organising a meeting with someone
  2. Not sending an email because a conversation is easier but then never making time to have the conversation.
  3. Doing lots of easy, behind the scenes work, so that you are not 'annoying' or interrupting your colleagues all the time.
  4. Spending so much time putting together a document that is not usable for staff but looks really pretty.
  5. Blaming other people when things aren't working as you intended.



Energetically, you're telling the universe its go time.


This one is all about perception. If you have a clear narrative of how this project is going to go, you are sending out the universe that you are ready to step up.

Get ready for opportunities pop up. Jobs will come up quickly because you are now actively looking for them. They are in your conscious awareness.


Selection Criteria Responses that are all about school leadership

Front-ending your leadership stories so that you can respond to the selection criteria is a solid strategy for aspiring leaders. Consult the AITSL standards for Principals and look at how your story is addressing these. Obviously, you're not a Principal but jsut change the word Principal to Head Teacher or Head of Department. Start with the end in mind and watch your project unfold before you. Be aware that pivoting is may be essential but hey, that's a part of the job you want.


If you'd like some help with putting this into practice, book in a 30 minute chat to see how I can help.