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Leadership Date

Leadership Date

What is a Leadership Date?


Taking time to stop and reflect about what is going on at school has significant benefits to your ability to lead effectively, no matter where you are in your leadership career. Whether you're an aspiring, new or established leader,  everyone can easily get lost in the weeds of being reactive at work rather than proactive. A Leadership Date will help with that.


No matter where you are in your career, there are times when you are leading, and times you are managing. What I found with teachers and leaders who were feeling like they were drowning in a sea of to do lists and running on the spot was they were focused almost completely with management tasks. There was no priority placed on leading tasks.



With these clients, I implemented the Leadership Date with each of them.  It helped them to move from reactive to proactive  on all of their big projects. After some time, they commented that their leadership Dates became quicker to do because their past dates had made it easy to keep on top of everything. Several newly promoted leaders told me that their staff had noticed the change in them, complementing how well they were doing.


If you'd like to establish this intentional practice designed to refocus, reflecting, and recharging your inner leader, keep reading.


Why is a Leadership Date Crucial?

Think of your leadership potential as a hidden garden within you. Busy schedules and overwhelming responsibilities act like overgrown weeds, choking out its vibrancy. Parts of the garden that could be thriving, just don't get the sunshine they need to establish themselves. The Leadership Date is your pair of shears, allowing you to cut through the clutter by trimming back the projects that have over taken your time and energy. This then will give you back some space to allow  other parts of your role to begin grow.

"Energy flows where attention goes." -  Toby Robbins

With the garden clear of overwhelm, your attention can now be spread evenly over everything. You can now start to see each project with easier and decide what it needs to move forward. Taking an intentional pause to allow other parts of your role to have your attention and focus creates clarity and momentum. A leadership date will allow you to cultivate the fertile ground of your leadership potential.


Benefits of a Leadership Date


      • Clarity in the Chaos: Amidst the daily storm, it's easy to lose sight of your bigger goals and lose the compass guiding your leadership journey. A Leadership Date offers a safe space to reconnect with your "why," your core values, and the vision that drives you. It's like stepping back from a painting to appreciate the masterpiece, not just the brushstrokes.


      • Reflection Refuels Passion: Remember the excitement you felt when you first embarked on your leadership path? The Leadership Date rekindles that spark by inviting you to reflect on your successes, challenges, and lessons learned. This introspection reignites your passion, reminding you why you chose this path and motivating you to keep moving forward.


      • Strategic Action for Tangible Results: It's not enough to have dreams; you need a plan to make them a reality. The Leadership Date provides a space to craft actionable steps for each of your leadership projects. You'll leave with a clear roadmap, not just vague aspirations, ensuring your efforts translate into tangible progress.


      • Boosting Confidence and Resilience: Leadership can be a lonely journey. The Leadership Date creates a space for self-celebration, acknowledging your achievements and recognizing your growth. This self-appreciation fuels your confidence and resilience, preparing you to face the inevitable challenges that come with leadership.


So, what exactly is a Leadership Date?


It's not another stuffy conference room meeting. It's a dedicated block of time, just for you and your leadership journey. You choose the setting, be it a cozy cafe, a sun-drenched park, or your favourite nook at home. The key is to escape the routine and carve out space for focused reflection.

Here's how it works:


      • Set the Stage: Grab your laptop, a notebook, a pen, and perhaps a steaming cup of inspiration. You can even download my complimentary Leadership Date Toolkit (shameless plug!), designed to guide you through the process.


      • Dive into Project Deep Dives: Dedicate focused time to each of your leadership projects. Analyse your progress, identify challenges, and celebrate milestones. Use prompts like "What's working well?" "What could be improved?" and "What do I need to overcome to move forward?"


      • Craft Your Action Plan: Don't leave inspiration to chance. Translate your reflections into concrete steps. Set deadlines, assign ownership, and map out your next moves. This ensures your Leadership Date isn't just an escape from the grind, but a springboard for actionable progress.


      • Celebrate and Recharge: Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small. Pat yourself on the back for taking time for yourself and for stepping up as a leader. This positive reinforcement builds momentum and empowers you to keep moving forward.


Ready to Ditch the Hamster Wheel?


Your Leadership Date is waiting. It's an invitation to reclaim your time, rekindle your passion, and chart a course towards a thriving leadership journey. Download our Leadership Date Toolkit today and unlock the power of intentional reflection. Remember, energy flows where attention goes. Take charge of your growth, cultivate your potential, and watch your leadership career blossom.


This blog is just the beginning. Dive deeper into the transformative power of Leadership Dates by clicking here and downloading your personal toolkit!