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Signs You’re Ready for a Leadership Role

Signs You're Ready for a Leadership Role

Not all leadership is loud. It doesn't have to be the person with the titled role, or in charge. There is Quiet Leadership. The kind of leadership that influences people, supporting then and bringing out the best in others. These people are ready to be a leader. Because the truth is, leadership potential hides in the most unexpected places, often coming to the forefront when you least expect it.

This article are the 'other' signs of leadership potential that are not heralded by popular media. 


Sign #1: The Magnet Effect: People Gravitate Towards You for Advice and Support


Do colleagues instinctively turn to you with questions, big and small? Do they seek your perspective on the sticky issues, not because you're the department head, but because your insights carry weight? You might scoff and say, "It's just because I'm a good listener," but that's often the sign that you've got an innate ability to  build trust in relationships. Leaders inspire trust, and that trust draws people in, naturally creating a constellation of support around them.


Sign #2: The Change Champion: You See Opportunities Others Miss (and you're not afraid to tackle them)


While others grumble about "the way things are done," you're already brainstorming how to make them better. That textbook unit stuck in the dark ages? You envision interactive lessons sparking curiosity and project based learning. This constant itch to improve, this restlessness for impactful change, is a hallmark of a leader.


Sign #3: The Storyteller: You Weave Compelling Narratives that Illuminate (and Inspire)


Whether it's recounting a student's "aha!" moment or explaining a complex policy, your words resonate. You have a knack for weaving narrative threads, painting vivid pictures with your language, and connecting the dots in ways that inspire action. This art of storytelling is a leader's secret weapon, the tool that bridges minds and hearts, and gets people on board with the important work.


Sign #4: The Growth Mindset Guru: You See Setbacks as Stepping Stones and Challenges as Opportunities to Learn

Mistakes? You see them as detours, not dead ends. Failures? They're simply feedback loops disguised as stumbling blocks. This unwavering belief in yourself and your ability to learn and grow is the lifeblood of a leader. It's the fuel that propels you through setbacks, the compass that guides you through uncharted territory, and the foundation on which you build resilience and inspire others to do the same. 

With all that said, you're ready for leadership, in a quiet and powerful way.

So, before you dismiss yourself as "not a leader," take a closer look at your hidden gifts. You might be surprised by the leadership potential right beneath the surface, waiting to be nurtured. And remember, leadership isn't about a title or a position; it's about the impact you make, the lives you touch, and the difference you leave behind on staff and students.


Ready to get started? There's a whole community of supportive educators waiting to help you.

Join us in Accelerate, our coaching program designed to empower ambitious teachers like you to take your rightful place at the leadership table. I'll help you refine your skills, build your confidence, and craft a compelling leadership narrative that shines as bright as your potential.